Monday, August 13, 2007

Mind the gap!

Sorry to everyone who noticed the large and unannounced gap in posting. We were rather unexpectedly in the field for about 1.5 weeks. I’m very happy to be back in Pontianak, where I am resting in all senses possible: my stomach is taking a break from rice, my head is taking a break from Indonesian, and I’ve slept most of the last couple of days. Field work is wonderful but also draining, and I need to stay in marathon mode instead of sprinting. More about this second field experience soon...


Rich Unger said...

I know how it is. My dad hounds me whenever I go a week without posting!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,

No panic from me since I am just checking your blog after a couple of weeks. Rest well and I hope you have a few yummy meals. After your food discussions, I feel like our flull refrigerator is positively decadent.

We can't wait to hear about your most recent field work and your observations on the local population groups and their cultures.

Aunt Janet