Thursday, August 9, 2007

Coffee and MSG

In Indonesia, rice has many names. When the rice is growing in the field, it is called “padi”. When harvested, dried, but not yet cooked, it is called “beras”. After cooking, it is generally called “nasi”.

There are two kinds of coconut here. Kelapa muda (young coconut) is for eating and drinking fresh. Kelapa tua (old coconut) is for cooking and flavor.

Why do I tell you all this? Today I had one of the most interesting coffee drinks thus far – a mix of roasted coffee, beras, and kelapa tua, with some sugar to boot. Amazing, rich, smoky flavor. Maybe such a drink exists elsewhere in the world, but I am fairly certain this combination can only be found in Kalimantan.

The only problem I have with the food here in Manjau is the incredible amounts of MSG they use as flavoring. Everything, even the sweet dishes, contain MSG. This is unfortunate, because my body does not deal well with this particular food additive, and I get a stomachache after every meal. Luckily other than the MSG, however, food is quite yummy and much more interesting than in Cali or Mensubang, because of the better market access in Manjau.

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