Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jakarta again

Spent the weekend in Jakarta, where I met up with a couple of friends from the Yale forestry program who are traveling in the region right now. I also picked up some field equipment from a co-worker, and…wait for it…went salsa dancing! I think I found the only salsa dancing scene in Jakarta. Amazing live salsa music (we couldn’t decide whether the singer was Asian or Latina, but she had a perfect Latina accent), and some decent and very friendly dancers. Social dancing is funny – even in the middle of Indonesia (very different from western culture) the culture of social dance is the same as in the west: goofy, energetic, friendly and talented dancers willing to share dance with anyone who is interested. Tomorrow we start overflights with national geographic, which should be exciting and informative. I love seeing the big picture!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
I know you are busy but I do look forward to your very adept descriptions of your adventures. Just know we are checking every few days. Write when you can.....I bet the National Geographic flights were wonderful.
I hope you find more opportunities to dance!!
