Saturday, October 13, 2007

Hotel Mercure

Given the lack of internet, I decided to take a plunge and book myself a room in a ritzy hotel (which has in-room internet access, such a luxury!!) for a couple nights. I feel like I’m in air conditioned paradise. The hotel was built in 1918, and stepping into the front entrance is like traveling back in time into the colonial era when the Dutch still occupied Indonesia. One of the lovely things about coming to Indonesia from America is the fact that (almost – excluding electronics) everything is super-cheap. This five star hotel cost me about $50 per night, during the busiest holiday of the year.

For the first time while I’ve been in Yogya, I was able to seriously work on my computer – reading papers, taking notes, feeling like a grad student again instead of a traveler in Indonesia. Working is probably the biggest challenge I face as a grad student here – the environment in most places is simply not conducive to writing or computer work.

The hotel is conveniently located near the famous Malioboro street, which is filled with touristy batik stores, lots of street food, and a traditional market selling everything from live chickens to peppers to hand carved furniture. I took a walk Sunday afternoon and just looked. Everyone is on holiday, and the atmosphere was very relaxed, with few “hello misters” or stares. I ate Es Durian (yes, just like it sounds – ice plus durian plus coconut milk…mmmm) and sate (which is actually an Indonesian/Malay dish, although it is more often found in Thai restaurants). Then back to my computer to continue work…

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